Shoubu wo... MONKEY nan da yo!
Lombre Legend
Karma: 28
Posts: 5235
Kissu jya, JoJo de wa nai... KONO DIO DA!!!
« on: November 21, 2011, 11:04:51 pm » |
In this game, you must post a shipping pair including the person above you with anything(anime characters, monkeys, Pokemon, anything).
Rules: 1. Posts must contain the person above's name(albeit; username, actual name, nickname, etc.). 2. The thing the above person is shipped with must have some form of affiliation.(Though, any form of affiliation is acceptable; even the most minor, for example; Richie x Table, "E for last letter.") 3. Shipping(s) must include a form of explanation for each. (Any form of explanation is acceptable; well, except "Just Because".) 3.a. Explanations can be substituted with Puns. (Funny, lame, any kind of pun, as long as the person below you thinks it makes sense.) 4. Explanations, Puns, etc. can be funny/dirty, as long as it isn't too graphic. (ie. Explicit words.)
Note: No shipping posted in this game should be taken seriously. If anyone does take it seriously, I will send you a PM regarding how stupid you are.
Now, since there is no one above me, I'll ship myself:
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Richie x Table
"Hey, that Table's pretty hard."