Title: Community-Fueled Blog: "Who's That Pokemon?" Post by: RSC Cooper Inc on December 19, 2013, 03:57:13 pm A while ago I tried to run a "Who's That Pokemon?" blog on Tumblr, but I got bored of it after only 13 entries :P
http://whosthatpkmnunofficial.tumblr.com/ (http://whosthatpkmnunofficial.tumblr.com/) I'd really like to see it become something more; maybe if you guys would like to help than I could turn it into a weekly-posting blog. I'd like to make posts with three to six general facts about a certain Pokemon presented in first-person. Example:
Answer: Lanturn If you guys are interested, please make some of your own posts and put them here. If this looks like it will work out, I'm going to make a new blog connected to Ludicom. I'd like to have at least seven entries like the post above before starting the blog. If enough people want to help with this than I'd like to have one or two people become co-contributors on Tumblr. Said people should have experience with Tumblr, though. The entries from the original blog shouldn't be duplicated, so don't submit posts for the following: Mew, Carracosta, Woobat, Smoochum, Golurk, Glalie, Lanturn, Espeon, Octillery, Grumpig/Spoink, Houndoom, Litwick, Keldeo Use this form for submitting posts please: Code: [list] [li]1[/li] [li]2[/li] [li]3[/li] [li]4[/li] [li]5[/li] [li]6[/li] [/list] Answer: [glow=black,2,300][color=black]ANSWER[/color][/glow] Title: Re: Community-Fueled Blog: "Who's That Pokemon?" Post by: Kinfin on December 19, 2013, 07:33:48 pm Awesome idea. Do more. Immona follow it
Title: Re: Community-Fueled Blog: "Who's That Pokemon?" Post by: RSC Cooper Inc on December 29, 2013, 08:21:24 pm
Answer: Zubat (Anyone have a better sentence for the second clue?
Answer: Cherrim Title: Re: Community-Fueled Blog: "Who's That Pokemon?" Post by: Kinfin on December 29, 2013, 08:24:08 pm Here's a better clue for that one. Tackle that rock all day. I don't care. |