Title: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Bonus Comic up] Post by: Kloud on January 13, 2011, 06:45:16 pm I promise, I'll make it interesting. Much more interesting than my Platinum run (still can't believe I got through with only 4 deaths on that). So... Let's get to it, shall we? An epic story awaits! I'm telling the tale of this Nuzlocke entirely by comic. So updates will be really slow. But I'm hoping that this will give you guys something to look forward to, and maybe even make you guys feel closer to the Pokemon in the run. I'll add something to the title when an update is added, so keep an eye on the title. 1. Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released. 2. I may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances (unless I run into a Pokemon I already own, in which case I am allowed to continue searching until I find one that I do not own. If I capture one I already own for whatever reason, however, I am not allowed to do this on that Route). 3. I must nickname all Pokemon I obtain. 4. I am not allowed to trade, unless it is with an in-game NPC (I couldn't even if I wanted to, anyways, so LOL here) If I break my rules, it's an automatic game over and my run is considered null and void. All of the comics will be placed below. 1. Start of a Journey (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/016/e/b/kloud__s_leafgreen_nuzlocke__1_by_kloud_asterisk-d37dcgc.png) 2. New Friends and First Gym (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/022/5/f/kloud__s_leafgreen_nuzlocke__2_by_kloud_asterisk-d37t7kq.png) 2.5. Brock's Reply (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/023/d/a/kloud__s_tale__brock__s_reply_by_kloud_asterisk-d37v4yw.png) 3. Treasure Hunting and Second Gym (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/032/1/e/kloud__s_tale__3_by_kloud_asterisk-d38li95.png) + Bonus Image- No (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y286/nevaseen/no.png) 4. Third Gym (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/055/d/2/kloud__s_tale__a_nuzlocke___4_by_kloud_asterisk-d3ab8cv.png) 4.5. Goodbye (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/057/a/5/kloud__s_tale__a_nuzlocke___4_5_by_kloud_asterisk-d3ahrgw.png) Bonus. A Flower For You (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/064/3/e/kloud__s_tale_a_nuzlocke_bonus_by_kloud_asterisk-d3azi1e.png) Where am I in-game?: Finished Current record for most panels in a single strip? 34, in part 3 If one of you guys have an active Nuzlocke topic, I may also do some fanart for you if I have free time. xP Chances are I'll have to fix this topic up at some point, so everything is subject to change. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Kloud on January 16, 2011, 10:53:26 pm For those of you unaware, the first comic is up. Enjoy! Comments and constructive criticism welcome :)
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Scarlet Spider on January 17, 2011, 06:59:53 am "Dont visit my sister, she wont give you a map"
"Thanks for the map" xDD Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Ai Char on January 17, 2011, 08:29:39 am hahahahha pretty awesome!!! I love the town map thing because that's the way I always imagined it xD
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: JCBellsprout on January 17, 2011, 10:38:29 pm Nice first comic Kloud! I'm thinking of adding snapshots to my journals and writing in a funny phrase on them (I'm terrible at drawing :D)
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Kloud on January 17, 2011, 11:33:41 pm Nice first comic Kloud! I'm thinking of adding snapshots to my journals and writing in a funny phrase on them (I'm terrible at drawing :D) Thanks! :DI liked how your journals were from the POV of the player- perhaps you could turn it into a short story sort of thing? So instead of a new comic, you'd add a new chapter. Either way, I've enjoyed your run so far, keep it coming :D And ohmygod, has the plot thickened. It's gotten really dramatic. Things have really started to pick up in pace as far as my storyline goes- plus I just came up with an amazing idea for backstory. Once we get past Cerulean, you guys are in for *such* a treat. My creative juices are flowing like mad- I'm writing my ideas down before I forget xD Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: JCBellsprout on January 17, 2011, 11:58:26 pm Thanks! :D I liked how your journals were from the POV of the player- perhaps you could turn it into a short story sort of thing? So instead of a new comic, you'd add a new chapter. Either way, I've enjoyed your run so far, keep it coming :D And ohmygod, has the plot thickened. It's gotten really dramatic. Things have really started to pick up in pace as far as my storyline goes- plus I just came up with an amazing idea for backstory. Once we get past Cerulean, you guys are in for *such* a treat. My creative juices are flowing like mad- I'm writing my ideas down before I forget xD I love the short story/chapters idea thanks :) and I'm glad you liked it, can't wait to see your next comic the first one was really funny and very well drawn. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Kloud on January 18, 2011, 12:12:27 am I love the short story/chapters idea thanks :) and I'm glad you liked it, can't wait to see your next comic the first one was really funny and very well drawn. It's no prob. That seems to be another popular way to share Nuzlockes, I felt it might be up your alley after I saw your first entry. ;) I'm really excited to just see where you end up- what will happen...? It's so exciting! Maybe that's why I like Nuzlocking so much xP Anyways, as for all other active Nuzlockes, if you'll let me know when you think you have a base team set, I'll draw a picture for you. :)And I thank you. *bows* The next one should be pretty funny too. Gotta get the mood up before things get more serious for awhile, LOL. I'm actually stopping for awhile in game to Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: RosimInc on January 18, 2011, 07:06:27 am Ahahahaha lol, I spent like four days wondering silently about what LG is... LeafGreen haha. I fail so much. I was about to ask what LG stands for ^^.
Anyways as I said on the ToT here and on PPN, the comic is great ^^. I would do one if I was able to draw what's going on in my head. Because ideas are flowing, but I can't manage to draw them :'(. Sincerely, RosimInc Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Ai Char on January 18, 2011, 05:39:58 pm ^^^^ awesome fail is awesome
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Kloud on January 18, 2011, 05:49:23 pm @Rosim- In Nuzlocke, quality does not generally matter. You could do a comic with stick figures and have it become a time honored Nuzlocke comic. xP Great thing about these things.
ALSO! Thanks to Wes being generally awesome, I've discovered a way to optimize drawing the panels. I've already found a way to optimize coloring, so now the only time consuming thing will be the actual drawing parts. You guys know what that means? More comics, faster. 8) In fact, I'm working on the next storyboard now. Maybe I'll post a teaser or two once I get further in... xP EDIT: Storyboard completed, drawing up the panels now. Kind of goofing off, so it's slow going LOL This will be slightly shorter than the last (coming in at a grand total of 19 panels), but I don't want to cover too much too fast (or to set out to do a huge comic and end up not updating for weeks XDDD). EDIT 2: Finished the panels. Now I have to draw everything and shade it in. Either way, there should be an update sometime this week (likely the weekend... xP ). The storyboard got stretched quite a bit, so there are more panels than I initially decided on. There's 22 panels. Again. xD However, I think that as far as raw length goes (as in pixels), this one is shorter. I don't like having massive panels everywhere xP Small panels are faster to draw and shade for. Anyways, you guys will meet some new teammates this time around. Plus, an awwwwful pun will be in here, too. xDD Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Ai Char on January 19, 2011, 07:22:06 pm I love awful puns!! uber excited, and more updates faster rocks -^.^-
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Kloud on January 19, 2011, 07:26:39 pm I love awful puns!! uber excited, and more updates faster rocks -^.^- No, it's really, really awful. I thought of it when I was drinking some water and ended up laughing into the water, causing it to splash all over. xD It's so dumb it's funny kind of deal.I need to kick myself and just get going on it.... I'm being lazy again. xD Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Ai Char on January 19, 2011, 07:35:44 pm s'aright take your time.
but trust me... i will usually find any pun hilarious, I love them :D Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Kloud on January 19, 2011, 07:43:22 pm Well then, maybe I will make an effort to include puns in regular intervals. xD Just for youuuuu~
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Ai Char on January 19, 2011, 07:59:25 pm yes!!! I would absolutely love that! haha, actually I just like comics in general, no matter how you make them, that's cool
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Kloud on January 19, 2011, 10:27:29 pm Mmmm... Well, either way, expect a teaser panel within the next two days or so. I want to get a few more panels drawn, so I have more to pick from. I'll try to get in the habit of posting a panel or two from each strip early, to give you guys something to speculate over. Since I refuse to give out any specific spoilers. xP
I will update this post with my progress, to avoid double post spamming my thread too much. Current Update: Working on panel 9 out of 22. Update will probably happen on Sunday, or, if I work hard, tomorrow. Teaser panel should be up sometime tonight. I will make a new update post and bump the topic with the image when it's here~ Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [First Comic] Post by: Kloud on January 21, 2011, 09:24:51 pm (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y286/nevaseen/teaser1.png)
Here's the teaser I promised you guys! :D I removed the text to prevent spoiling anything. ANTISPOILER, AWAY!!! xD Anyways, I just finished panel 9. I wanna get 10 and 11 done before bed, if I can. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Teaser, Progress Update] Post by: Magoo on January 21, 2011, 10:20:07 pm Dat Rattata!
It's SO cute~ :D Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Teaser, Progress Update] Post by: Kloud on January 21, 2011, 10:23:06 pm IKR? I've never drawn one before, so I was shocked when I drew it and it came out so cute. That Rattata is the source of the guilt I felt before the awful death the other day... TwT
...Just wait until you see the other girls I catch in the comic. xD Some of them are real...characters.... xP Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Teaser, Progress Update] Post by: Ai Char on January 21, 2011, 10:44:16 pm I want that rattata NOW!!! x3
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Teaser, Progress Update] Post by: Kloud on January 21, 2011, 10:50:07 pm Oh my, she's more popular than I thought. xP
If you guys like how I drew her, you're going to go bananas for everyone else. Like I said, my art has improved slightly (mostly the Pokemon drawings) since the last part. Also, and I say this preemptively, please don't hate me too much once I post the next part up. xD;;; I'm a real jerkface up until... About when things start getting really interesting, which is shortly after I beat the Vermillion Gym. I won't say exactly how my character starts acting then, though. ;) MOST RECENT UPDATE: 1 panel remains. HNNNNG I CAN DO THIS then shading. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Teaser, Progress Update] Post by: Kloud on January 22, 2011, 06:54:05 pm And I have finished!
Sorry it was late, I had to do some important stuff and didn't have time to upload until now. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Teaser, Progress Update] Post by: Ai Char on January 22, 2011, 07:25:31 pm YES!!!!! okay, now to go read!
edit: oh my gosh that was amazing hahahaha the teachy tv xDxDxD and "got soft" oh man I love it! Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Teaser, Progress Update] Post by: Kloud on January 22, 2011, 07:31:44 pm YES!!!!! okay, now to go read! I was just waiting for you to come on. I just had to see what you'd say xD Glad you enjoyed the pun (the whole got soft thing was the pun I was talking about xD). ^^ The tv thing... I don't know why I did that. Ah well, it turned out well xD And it's one of the very few times you guys will ever see Kloud without her hat on. *sneaky*edit: oh my gosh that was amazing hahahaha the teachy tv xDxDxD and "got soft" oh man I love it! This is unsaid in the comic, but I boxxed Tatters before the first Gym. I'm feeling bad now, though, as she is so cute xD Aaand a quick observation! The first comic, although boarded to have 22 panels, ended up with a whopping 29 panels. o-o I never noticed. xD So no wonder this one is so much shorter feeling to me. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Second Comic Up] Post by: JCBellsprout on January 23, 2011, 01:04:57 am The second comic was awesome Kloud, brock is so funny, I would have loved to see his after reaction *soft brock is soft* :D Your pokemon are all pretty cute too! The tv bit was really funny, I never thought of it that way, makes perfect sense.
Can't wait for the next one! Poor Geodude too xD Oh by the way, let me know what you think of my latest chapters, I'll be adding another one tomorrow. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Second Comic Up] Post by: Ai Char on January 23, 2011, 07:30:52 am You're pretty lucky that a mankey was the first thin you caught on that route, aren't they uncommon? oh but then again... are you using that rule that if you run into somethin you already caught you can not catch it? I'm starting to see where the strategy come in to play with which routes you go to first...
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Second Comic Up] Post by: Magoo on January 23, 2011, 09:06:54 am You're pretty lucky that a mankey was the first thin you caught on that route, aren't they uncommon? oh but then again... are you using that rule that if you run into somethin you already caught you can not catch it? I'm starting to see where the strategy come in to play with which routes you go to first... When I tried a Nuzlocke of LG some time ago, the Pokemon I caught on that route was also Mankey. They're not too uncommon. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Second Comic Up] Post by: Kloud on January 23, 2011, 10:20:32 am @JCB- Reaction image coming up! And I'll comment on it this afternoon. :)
@Ume- While I do have the dupe rule in effect, Kat was the first encounter I had on that route. I just checked Bulbapedia- Msnkey have a 45% chance of appearing on that route. :) The only other Pokémon I had caught at that point was Tatters, anyways. Kat has a bit of an attitude, so I'm not sure if I'm grateful I caught her or not. xD Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Second Comic Up] Post by: Kloud on January 23, 2011, 12:01:36 pm (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/023/d/a/kloud__s_tale__brock__s_reply_by_kloud_asterisk-d37v4yw.png)
As promised :P Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Ai Char on January 23, 2011, 01:16:08 pm haha oh Brock xD
and really? I've always had to try a couple time first... Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 23, 2011, 01:31:03 pm Yep! I've only run into a situation which made the dupes rule necessary at all, luckily. Most of the time it happens when I run into a route where I've already caught everything, in which case I just pick a dupe to try and catch, or I decide to leave the route. I normally try at every turn to catch when I can, though, as I'm getting paranoid of a team wipe and if that happens, I want something to fall back on.
Also, THERE BE NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PLOT. Although things have remained tense, there will be a comic which is mostly sweet and kind that will come up after the huge number of sad or dramatic ones I gotta do. EDIT: Having a team building dilemma. Sincerely wish I could get help without giving spoilers. Anybody who can help, please do. PLEASE XD Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 23, 2011, 09:09:37 pm Wow, just wow...
I thought the last death was bad. This one has me bawling. Just... Oh god.... This is my worst Nuzlocke death ever, hands down. Oh.... It looks like the story is gonna have more depressing in it than I was hoping for, guys. D: Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Jay117 on January 23, 2011, 09:15:19 pm WHY CANT YOU DRAW FASTER?? xD
I want to know who died now... Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 23, 2011, 09:20:39 pm WHY CANT YOU DRAW FASTER?? xD It takes like 4-6 hours to make each regular sized comic, okay? xD Quality over quantity. I want to know who died now... Each death in this run was awful. Each death is progressively worse and closer to my (and the story's) heart. Three deaths so far. I have no idea who will replace the fallen team member yet. I can't bear to think about it. I never thought.... Ugh, I'm still crying. You guys will understand once the comics get further in. Just bear in mind that it gets worse and worse... Haha.. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: JCBellsprout on January 24, 2011, 12:25:07 am Om my, I wonder what these sad developments are, only time will tell.
Thanks for the comment Kloud on my nuzlocke, I was busy today with all the games on PPN but I'll post my next Chapter tomorrow. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 24, 2011, 08:02:35 am Another death. This one wasn't asbad as the last to me, but I'm still pretty down about the last one, which just makes this one worse... Dx
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 25, 2011, 04:27:22 pm Things are looking up in the run, but right now, I'm working on the next comic for you folks~
This one is boarded for 26 panels. Knowing me, this will increase by a few panels, minimum. Which means that it may end up being the longest update so far! :o I'll keep you guys posted on my progress. Expect the update sometime this weekend or early next week. EDIT: Update here- the next comic is all boarded out, and the panels are drawn. There should be a total of 33 panels! That's the most so far. Which means that this update will take me slightly longer, but hopefully will be more for you to enjoy. :) Current progress: 7/33 Also, just got past Victory Road in my game- grinding away. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 26, 2011, 09:58:26 pm TEASER TIME!
(http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y286/nevaseen/teaser2.png)(http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y286/nevaseen/teaser3.png) Who knows what this means? :o Time will tell~ Expect an update sometime this weekend/early next week. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Ai Char on January 27, 2011, 11:10:34 am I love teasers!!! xD that rattata is so cute!
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 27, 2011, 12:59:24 pm I love teasers!!! xD that rattata is so cute! Maybe I'll give one more once I get a few more drawn xP xD;;Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Ai Char on January 27, 2011, 04:55:59 pm that's a loottt of panels!
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 27, 2011, 06:31:52 pm Well, the next one is going to be even longer... ._. They're going to keep getting longer, I think. D:
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Upa! on January 27, 2011, 09:23:13 pm hmmm.... maybe i should make one of these... 0w0 i just had an ideaz on how i could do mine
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 27, 2011, 09:24:29 pm Oh orly? Do tell.
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Upa! on January 27, 2011, 09:29:54 pm Oh orly? Do tell. Well... instead of having it take place in the actual pokemon universe, it could take place in the pokemon gijinka universe. 0w0 instead of my main character being the trainer he could be my starter pokemon and he can assemble a team to go challenge the Pkmn league.Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 27, 2011, 09:31:27 pm Well... instead of having it take place in the actual pokemon universe, it could take place in the pokemon gijinka universe. 0w0 instead of my main character being the trainer he could be my starter pokemon and he can assemble a team to go challenge the Pkmn league. Awh, cute. I was considering drawing gijinka of my team, but I haven't had time... Doing a comic based on it sounds adorable. xD;; If you do, best of luck! :DTitle: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Scarlet Spider on January 28, 2011, 07:18:37 am Well... instead of having it take place in the actual pokemon universe, it could take place in the pokemon gijinka universe. 0w0 instead of my main character being the trainer he could be my starter pokemon and he can assemble a team to go challenge the Pkmn league. interesting concept :)Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Ai Char on January 28, 2011, 08:54:25 am Well... instead of having it take place in the actual pokemon universe, it could take place in the pokemon gijinka universe. 0w0 instead of my main character being the trainer he could be my starter pokemon and he can assemble a team to go challenge the Pkmn league. DoitDoitDoit :DAny idea which game you would use? Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Upa! on January 28, 2011, 11:37:03 am DoitDoitDoit :D I was thinking B/W but i dont wanna have to draw all teh new pokemanz :PAny idea which game you would use? Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 28, 2011, 09:03:19 pm I'm about to enter the E4. My entire team is at the level I wanted, but I still feel... So nervous.
Wish me luck.... 3: Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Ai Char on January 28, 2011, 09:29:30 pm good luck!!! dang, you're fast!!!
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Upa! on January 28, 2011, 10:01:34 pm I'm about to enter the E4. My entire team is at the level I wanted, but I still feel... So nervous. good luck :3Wish me luck.... 3: Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 28, 2011, 10:02:38 pm Oh.... Oh my god.... I kind of feel like crying, but... Wow.... So amazing....
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Ai Char on January 29, 2011, 10:50:50 am did you make it through?? did anyone die?! Don't tell me!! I wanna wait for the comics xD
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 29, 2011, 10:59:28 am did you make it through?? did anyone die?! Don't tell me!! I wanna wait for the comics xD I wouldn't tell you anyways xP I don't wanna spoil. :3 I will say that there were a total of three possible endings I had written out. It's one of them xD I might make one or both of the other endings as bonus comics, later on. Feel free to speculate about what you think will happen, who will die, etc at any point in the story, though. I love to see people speculate xP Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Ai Char on January 29, 2011, 12:38:10 pm I hope rattata didn't die .-.
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on January 31, 2011, 10:43:23 pm I hope rattata didn't die .-. Would you like her? I could migrate her over for you ^__^Also, a teaser as an apology for how long this update has been taking me. Between school and my life, I have had next to no time left to draw (or even get adequate sleep Dx). Currently working on panel 15/27. (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y286/nevaseen/teaser4.png) Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Ai Char on February 01, 2011, 03:43:28 pm awww what a cutie!
And take your time, those things are more important Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 01, 2011, 03:52:54 pm Currently on panel 25/34 (my numbers were off last time due to the fact that I was working from my notes D: ).
Thanks for being understanding- I should have my update up sometime tonight, so please check back soon :) Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Ai Char on February 01, 2011, 05:22:20 pm you work fast! :o
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 01, 2011, 05:23:30 pm you work fast! :o I feel really slow xP I must try to compensate for time lost doing work, though... Anyways, about 5 panels left. Should be up pretty quick here. :) I have to stop for a few and take a test though. D:Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 01, 2011, 10:36:26 pm The new comic is up! Enjoy folks. :3
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: loom on February 01, 2011, 10:43:05 pm The new comic is up! Enjoy folks. :3 Was the top borrower Wes? o.OTitle: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 01, 2011, 10:44:31 pm Was the top borrower Wes? o.O No, it's insinuated that it's Bill. ^^ Bill is a bit...different in my comic than in the games. xPTitle: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: loom on February 01, 2011, 10:46:42 pm No, it's insinuated that it's Bill. ^^ Bill is a bit...different in my comic than in the games. xP Wes is probely raging that you and Bill had se..... wait what? ::)Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 01, 2011, 10:48:26 pm Bill's gay. So... No relationship there other than an awkward friendship (Kloud dislikes it when Bill violates her personal space).
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: loom on February 01, 2011, 10:49:52 pm Bill's gay. So... No relationship there other than an awkward friendship (Kloud dislikes it when Bill violates her personal space). Oh okay, can I borrow your top then? ;DTitle: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 01, 2011, 11:09:47 pm Oh okay, can I borrow your top then? ;D (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y286/nevaseen/no.png) Bonus image just for you. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: JCBellsprout on February 02, 2011, 12:15:46 am Omg, Bill is soooo, just wow.
I loved it, your pokemon are always so cute and innocent and do the funniest things, weepinbell wants more love, he's so bashful, I like how you take the pokemon's natures and use that to develop their personality. Awesome, keep em coming! Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Magoo on February 02, 2011, 12:35:45 am Maybe we could... you know... fit together in your top? :D
Let's just try it! On another note, Weepinbell needs moar love. I had it on my team in many runs and it never failed me. Classic runs. Will you get it a Leaf Stone? No, don't tell. XD Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 02, 2011, 01:48:14 pm I loved Bill too. I was laughing when I made him that way xDD
The whole "can I borrow your top" thing is based off of... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPDl2g8Upvk And yeah, Copper is win. Even if he is kind of...mentally slow xD I wouldn't have told you anyways ;D Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Magoo on February 02, 2011, 03:28:06 pm And yeah, Copper is win. Even if he is kind of...mentally slow xD I wouldn't have told you anyways ;D Well, Bellsprout AND Weepinbell look retarded. XD I wub Victreebel though. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: loom on February 02, 2011, 05:07:17 pm (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y286/nevaseen/no.png) Bonus image just for you. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Ai Char on February 02, 2011, 08:11:36 pm LOVE THE COMIC!!!! :D :D :D
oh my gosh!! my friend showed me that video when I as in like sixth grade... I was so innocent, I didn't understand any of that, but watching it again not oh my gosh! Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Magoo on February 02, 2011, 08:16:12 pm I feel molested ;_; Bend over I'll show you my moves. ;D Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 02, 2011, 08:20:41 pm LOVE THE COMIC!!!! :D :D :D Glad you liked ;Doh my gosh!! my friend showed me that video when I as in like sixth grade... I was so innocent, I didn't understand any of that, but watching it again not oh my gosh! Can you guys see any difference in line quality over my previous comics? I used a new brush and some new techniques, and would love another opinion :3 Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Magoo on February 02, 2011, 08:39:01 pm Glad you liked ;D Can you guys see any difference in line quality over my previous comics? I used a new brush and some new techniques, and would love another opinion :3 I guess it feels smoother... Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Upa! on February 03, 2011, 12:59:39 am I guess it feels smoother... hehe... pervy thoughts... (http://images1.memegenerator.net/ImageMacro/4631256/put-a-cow-in-the-pool.jpg?imageSize=Medium&generatorName=Crane) Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 06, 2011, 08:17:52 pm Since it's taking me so long, I'm gonna do the second half of the next comic... IN COLOR! :0 :0
Or at least several panels will be in color. I haven't been able to draw at all today (I can barely read today) due to my vision randomly becoming blurry. So it'll be a little longer. But I haven't forgotten, promise. :3 In the meantime, I might do a small bonus comic or piece of bonus art to help you guys with the wait. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Ai Char on February 12, 2011, 06:05:57 pm COLOR?! :D oh boy!! I can wait haha, there's no rush.
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: JCBellsprout on February 12, 2011, 08:58:55 pm Since it's taking me so long, I'm gonna do the second half of the next comic... IN COLOR! :0 :0 Or at least several panels will be in color. I haven't been able to draw at all today (I can barely read today) due to my vision randomly becoming blurry. So it'll be a little longer. But I haven't forgotten, promise. :3 In the meantime, I might do a small bonus comic or piece of bonus art to help you guys with the wait. That would be a nice addition, looking forward to it Kloud! Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 21, 2011, 07:32:47 pm Alright, so here's how things stand- I've finished the storyboard and concluded that the comic would have been far too long to produce in one go. So I've split it into two- I won't say where exactly it splits, but the first will be heavy in plot, in black and white as usual, and not nearly as funny as normal xP The second will be in color, but significantly shorter since it's only covering the leftovers from the first one. I'll be working on the first one all night- hoping to have an update for you guys sometime this weekend if possible.
I'm going to be even more busy shortly, so updates will become even more scarce. But never fear- I will not stop making these! I've also started a sequel run. I may or may not make it into a comic, depending on what you guys would prefer. I hadn't originally intended it as a sequel, but the feel of the play through is so.... nostalgic, I guess xP PROGRESS REPORT: PART 1: 5/29, lineart PART 2: x/xx Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 22, 2011, 11:22:23 am (http://i56.tinypic.com/2d7d108.jpg)
Teasers yay. Also, currently at 8/29. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Ai Char on February 22, 2011, 03:56:33 pm the whole rest of your gameplay will be done in two??
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 2.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 22, 2011, 10:01:29 pm the whole rest of your gameplay will be done in two?? Oh LOL no xP I made it farther than this (granted, I had terrible casualties along the way, but I made it farther than this, promise). I'm just saying that the next comic was too long to do in one part- but since they happened so close together, it only made sense for me to make one 4 and one 4.5. I tend to group events into chunks that make the most sense to me, then put them in the way that makes the most sense.Progress: 16/29 Hoping to have this done sometime tomorrow, but no guarantees. Definitely by the weekend. Then I'll start to work on part 4.5- which will be in color xP EDIT: Almost done with it. I'm at 27/29 currently, then I shade it in. It should be up tomorrow. :) Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 4 up] Post by: Kloud on February 24, 2011, 04:41:53 pm Aaaaand part 4 is up.
A few notes- the Meowth is named after my first cat (now deceased), so there's some special significance to me there. xP I'm not too proud of this one... But there are a few panels I like. xD This one was a tad serious for me. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 4 up] Post by: Kloud on February 25, 2011, 08:49:53 pm (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y286/nevaseen/teaser6.png)
Example of the coloring of part 4.5. Incomplete, but still LOL. I colored it quick so I could post an example. I haven't even finished the lineart yet *sweat* Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 4 up] Post by: JCBellsprout on February 25, 2011, 10:03:15 pm Wow, Kloud in the comic has certainly gotten more bold :) It's great Kloud, I saw the sample Wes posted on PPN and decided to check out to see if you've posted more.
Did Gary's pokemon die? My favorite part: SMOOCH! xD Great work Kloud! Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 4 up] Post by: Kloud on February 25, 2011, 10:08:59 pm Thanks JCB! This is only the start of the real action- everything before this was only me setting up. Much more epic things are to come! :D I haven't, but I am working on part 4.5, and it's coming along well. It's pretty short, at only 24 panels, but considering that it's in color, I'm sure it will be enjoyable for all.
We'll have to wait and see, won't we? ;) It'll be brought up again soon enough, so please stay tuned! Even as I drew that, I was all "Eww, his mustache is in it's mouth!" xD Thanks again for your continued readership, I love to hear people's thought on my work. :) Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 4 up] Post by: JCBellsprout on February 25, 2011, 10:15:59 pm Even as I drew that, I was all "Eww, his mustache is in it's mouth!" xD lolzx :D Thanks JCB! This is only the start of the real action- everything before this was only me setting up. Much more epic things are to come! :D I haven't, but I am working on part 4.5, and it's coming along well. It's pretty short, at only 24 panels, but considering that it's in color, I'm sure it will be enjoyable for all. We'll have to wait and see, won't we? ;) It'll be brought up again soon enough, so please stay tuned! Thanks again for your continued readership, I love to hear people's thought on my work. :) I will definitely, and I'm glad to hear this! And You're Welcome :) Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 4.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 26, 2011, 10:42:55 pm Part 4.5 is up. Enjoy.
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 4.5 up] Post by: JCBellsprout on February 26, 2011, 10:50:25 pm Poor poor Copper, he wanted your love so much and wanted to prove to you he was strong, it's so sad.
Kloud's journey has gotten a lot more dramatic, like you said :) I like how the mood changes from chapter to chapter, and the color addition was great too! Nice work Kloud! Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 4.5 up] Post by: Kloud on February 26, 2011, 10:58:52 pm His death wasn't the worst, either. ._.;; But yeah, as I said on dA, "Still, his death really did change my tune in that run. I became a lot more cautious and treated everyone in the team with a lot more respect and love after his death. In a way, it forced Kloud to grow up a bit. xP ". This is the start of the real story I had planned. It's gonna get wild.
However, I have to focus on my studies for a bit so I don't fall behind, and then a new class begins, so there may not be a new update for a bit (like until classes calm down). Orz Dx Thanks again! Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Part 4.5 up] Post by: loom on March 05, 2011, 11:49:10 am No....no....no.....Copper NO!! Dx
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Bonus Comic up] Post by: Kloud on March 05, 2011, 04:49:14 pm New minicomic up.
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Bonus Comic up] Post by: JCBellsprout on March 05, 2011, 10:09:19 pm Jigglypuff is an interesting character, her mysterious language intrigued me before :D
Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Bonus Comic up] Post by: JCBellsprout on March 27, 2011, 12:18:17 am While I was reading this on another site it reminded me of your comic, part 4 when you beat Gary:
Quote If you're a Pokemon creepypasta fan, you're no doubt familiar with the pasta (not really a creepypasta, but an interesting one) regarding Gary Oak's Raticate. When you fight Gary on the S.S. Anne, he has a Raticate, and when you next fight him in Lavender Town, he's in the Pokemon Tower, asking you if you've ever had to bury a loved one. His Raticate is no longer with him. The pasta referenced previously suggests that you killed the Raticate in your last battle; its injuries were too grievous to bear, and it died as you went on your merry way. Well, some people have entirely too much time on their hands, as I've found out. I enjoy looking up ROM hacks based on creepypasta. I think Pokemon is great, and I think being scared is great, so if I could get scared by playing Pokemon, that would just be the raddest thing ever. While browsing for hacks, I came across one titled "RaTICaTE." It was a Fire Red hack, so I assumed it was based off of the pasta I mentioned before. The game progressed as normal up until just after you beat Gary on the S.S. Anne. When you enter the Captain's Quarters, instead of continuing into the room as your character and rubbing the poor, seasick Captian's back, the screen cuts to black for a little longer than it should and allows you to play as Gary. Unfortunately, it doesn't give you very many options. If you try to follow the main character into the Captain's Quarters, a textbox appears that reads "You hAve business to tAke cAre of..." and you're turned around. Most of the other doors have the same prompt. The only door you can go into is the one furthest to the left, at the end of the hallway. This room normally houses someone (I want to say it was a Gentleman and a Lass?) but in the hack it's empty. When you enter, you lose the ability to control Gary, and he walks to the middle. Another textbox appears, reading "FAilure is not An option..." and a cutscene similar to the Gym Leader openings from Platinum/HG/SS takes place. Instead of showing you versus a leader, however, it just shows a grainy Gary, crudely edited to look angry. A battle starts, Gary standing opposite of a Raticate (the Raticate is shown from the back, as if you were controlling it). Again, the sprite of Gary has been sloppily edited to look angry (just two diagonal lines above the eyes to make angry eyebrows), and a textbox reads "Not good enough RAticAte..." You aren't given an option to do anything, and an animation for Slash plays, recolored red using the fill tool and not much else. Raticate's cry plays, and some red appears, spraypainted on to mimic blood. Again, Gary says "Not good enough RAticAte," the slash animation plays, and a little more red is added to the sprite. This continues until the Raticate is completely obscured by red, and the battle ends. The overworld is shown again, almost exactly the same as before, except a Raticate sprite (the same one that appears when you check your Pokemon in the Start menu) is laying in front of Gary in two pieces, red spraypainted around it. Still acting without player guidance, Gary walks to each half of the Raticate, picks it up, and then leaves the room. You go back to playing as your own character, and the game progresses as normal. Until the Elite Four Champion battle. Once you reach Gary at the very end, instead of giving his stupid, pompous speech when you walk up to him, he says "I brought him bAck..." and nothing else. The fight starts, and continues as the Champion fight usually does, until Gary's last Pokemon. His starter (which was, in my case, a Blastoise) is replaced with the most goddamn creepy Raticate ever to exist. Playing it, I had expected this to happen given the intro to the fight, but I expected the sprite quality to be like the edits from when Gary killed his Raticate in the first place, heavy with fill tool recolors and spraypainted blood. This Raticate was leagues apart from the previous work; it was disgusting. Patches of fur were edited out, replaced with rotting, decayed gray skin. The teeth were yellow, one was chipped, and the upper lip was pulled back to reveal cut, bloodied gums that dripped onto the upper part of the teeth. The tail was rotted, showing the same decay that the skin had, and was missing most of the end of it. An eye hung from a sunken, atrophied socket, red strands holding it on from where it drooped near its paws, which were missing toes (and the toes it did have had gnarled, overgrown yellow claws protruding from them). The overall effect was jarring enough that I actually stepped away from my computer for a while to get a breath of fresh air. When I came back and battled the atrocity, I found that it couldn't fight back. Whenever I landed a hit, the health meter would go down, and a textbox would appear. The first said "Do something RAticAte..." The second: "Fight bAck RAticAte..." And the third: "You Are fAiling me RAticAte..." I don't know if the text continued after that; I beat the creature in three hits. The battle ended, showing Gary and I standing alone in the Champion's room. Neither character was controllable, and the game held still for several seconds before cutting to black and fading back into the same room, minus one Gary. After that, the game was completely normal. You went to the Sevii Islands, caught all the Pokemon you wanted, and never saw Gary again. Title: Re: Kloud's Tale- LG Nuzlocke [Bonus Comic up] Post by: Kloud on March 27, 2011, 08:03:34 am While I was reading this on another site it reminded me of your comic, part 4 when you beat Gary: I've seen this before. Creepy xPFortunately, Gary isn't nearly so...tweaked in Kloud's Tale LOL. I did base the whole Raticate injury part off the popular story, though. Still, glad you thought of it. I'm so sorry I haven't had time to update lately... School is kicking my ass. Dx |