You know this isn't PPN, Kloud runs this place so she can remove these if she likes to...
Coincidence you posted all of this during and right after that fight? This is what, the second time you fought with him about it? You also baited him 24/7. the sad thing is, is that you actually think you are right. And we never warned you? I warned you at least weekly on MSN and AIM, basically screaming at you because I couldn't get my words in your skull. you would have been banned ages ago if it wasn't for me doing something to stop it.
I honestly don't care if you think I'm a fake mod. And the same with everyone else. You guys don't know my situations, and you don't have to deal with the people at PPN. You guys blame the mods, or should I say DU and I for EVERYTHING. You guys always think you are right, and then you guys treat us like crap, and then make us wanna do stuff for you, and continue to treat us like this.
PPN is VERY soft with the rules. We are pretty much THE only Pokemon Forum that allows the stuff that goes on there. Like, I don't understand what you guys think. You ALL think PPN is going down into hell, and you only blame Darkness and I. Ever think you guys need to change somewhat? You think we are selfish and power hungry. Because us banning anyone we want is exactly what we planed to do since we joined. There is a reason to everything, and we ALWAYS talk about it in the staff board before doing something, unless it is really serious.
You guys hate me so much, so I just wanna know what I and the mods gotta do to make you happy. Because you always want, we give, then you want more, and we give, but you are always unsatisfied. Like.... I just.. idno anymore. I really hope SOME of this gets through to some people..
Also, Aryeh, you say so much shit about me on here and to other people. You do that because you are mad at me. I wasn't even the one that banned you. You seriously need to rethink everything. We didn't ban you for no reason. You guys say we need to be more strict, and ban the right people. Well, you were that right person, and you know it. you just don't wanna believe it, and you still think you are right. You want PPN to change, well we can't do that unless the members help us.
So Aryeh, I assume you will continue to yell at me and say more shit. But honestly, Everything you say you didn't do and I lied about, did happen. I know from experience, if you say you didn't do it, and then it does come out in the end, you will be more hated. Say it now, people will see that you are able to see you did something, you can understand what you did and learn from it, and then everyone can move on.
I think this is all I got to say for now... Sorry if it sounds a little meh in some parts, I typed this really quickly.. =p
You only became a mod because you won the contest.
TimF: Ohai guys! This forum is new, so we don't have moderators yet! I need two moderators, just so we have a complete staff, I don't care if they can do their work or not!