By the way, I turn 21 (or 12) in February. Not sure how I'm gonna celebrate.
I celebrated by going out to a local sports bar and watched the Broncos lose to the Chargers.
Got a Redbull kicker (Cherry Limeade, Red Bull, Vodka)
Then a Kilt Bomber(Black Cherry Bourbon in Beer and Lemonade)
Didn't get drunk but did learn that most Cherry alcohol tastes like medicinal cherry so stick with the drink that is cherry before the alcohol is added(Redbull kicker has a nonalcoholic version simply remove vodka)
Best part of it was my family had to tell the waitress that she should check my ID. I set it out on the table but she didn't even look at it for the first order and just assumed since my mom, dad, cousin, uncle were all obviously over 21 that I was as well.