Just like Daniel did, I felt guilty being a straight white male and because of my persecution complex, I decided I needed to be part of a minority but not like a real minority cos that's too hard, just one persecuted enough for me to complain about it on the internet if somebody makes fun. Thus I became a furry, but not like a real furry. If I see anything furry related I get creeped out but srsly guys I am one and I'm going to mention it on skype every three seconds to remind you of it. If you tell me to stop I'm gonna get real mad, rage-quit and block you from everything while I let my horrible parents continue their devil worshiping without doing anything about it while removing the friends who wanted to be supportive. Totally a furry you guys. Starfox for the win man, but not like the popular ones. The low rated ones yeah *hipster*. Also I like Star Wars but I don't like R2D2 and prefer the expanded Universe to the films even though the only expanded universe stuff I've played are the video games and I ignore all the books, comics and stuff. So basically I'm just like Daniel now.
wait, what happened to daniel? ._.